Welcome to TH 101

An Introduction to Engineering & Computer Science

(12) mini-projects designed for quick wins and teaching the basics of engineering and coding:

NGSS Standards: MS-PS3-6, MS-PS4-3, MS-LS1-3, MS-ETS1-1, MS-ETS1-2, MS-ETS1-, MS-ETS1-4

1.5 hours per project



Mini-Project #1

Robot Friend

Find cardboard and cut out a template of your robot friend. Then use a light sensor and servo motor to control its arm.

Included: Light sensor, servo motor, robot template


Mini-Project #2


Use an LCD display, button, and temperature sensor to create a thermometer and measure the temperature.

Included: LCD display, button, temperature sensor


Mini-Project #3


Create your own doorbell by using a piezo buzzer and button.

Included: piezo buzzer, button


Mini-Project #4


Make a clapper that turns an LED on and off using a clap, snap, or loud noise. This project uses the analog sound sensor as a digital sensor

Included: LED, LED driver, sound sensor


Mini-Project #5

8-bit Music Conductor

Make a clapper that turns an LED on and off using a clap, snap, or loud noise. This project uses the analog sound sensor as a digital sensor

Included: LED, LED driver, sound sensor


Mini-Project #6

Intruder Alarm

Use a light sensor and household materials to create a door activated alarm.

Included: Light sensor, piezo buzzer / Not included: Battery, tape, cardboard


Mini-Project #7

Analog Indicator

Create your own dial indicator by using a servo motor, light, temperature, and sound sensor. 

Included: Servo motor, light sensor, temperature sensor, sound sensor


Mini-Project #8

LCD Backlight Disco

Start your own mini disco party by using a backlight from the LCD display and piezo buzzer.

Included: LCD display, piezo buzzer


Mini-Project #9

Music Machine

Play a simple musical instrument using a piezo buzzer, potentiometer, button and light sensor. 

Included: piezo buzzer, potentiometer, button, light sensor


Mini-Project #10

Night Light

Use a light sensor to create a nightlight that only turns on when it’s dark.

Included: LED driver, button, light sensor, LED


Mini-Project #11

Simon Says Game

Recreate the feel of the classic Simon Says game using an LCD display, button, and touch sensor.

Included: LCD display, button, touch sensor


Mini-Project #12

Kitchen Timer

Build a programmable timer to keep track of time. 

Included: LCD display, button, potentiometer, piezo buzzer

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