Welcome to TH 203 / 204
An Introduction to Musics, Acoustics for Engineering & Programming (Part I & II)
(4) mini-projects designed for quick wins and teaching the basics of musics, acoustics, for engineering and programming:
Jump into the world of digital music production with this course. Students will be learning the fundamentals of music theory as well as the physics of sound. Notes, scales, and chords are taught alongside frequency, amplitude, and sound generation. Upon completion of this course, students will construct a MIDI Programmer, a sequencer, a dual speaker setup, and a full synthesizer. Don’t worry about noise, you can use headphones for each part.
NGSS Standards: MS-ETS1-1, MS-ETS1-2, MS-ETS1-3, MS-ETS1-4
2 hours per project
TH 203

Mini-Project #1
MIDI Programmer
In this project you’ll learn the basics of the MIDI protocol. Creating simple scales and harmonics with code.

Mini-Project #2
We’ll be adding in a capacitive sensing keypad to make music in real time

Mini-Project #3
Dual Speaker Setup
Using two speakers you’ll make a stereo setup. You’ll also learn how to drive the speakers using an amplifier.

Mini-Project #4
The final project adds another capacitive sensing keypad allowing you to make a real synthesizer. Use code to create loops while adding on to them in real time.