stem electives

STEM Electives: What We Wish Educators Knew

Oscar Pedroso Courses, Education, Homeschooling, Teachers, Tech

How Can Your School Think Outside The Box When It Comes to Taking Full Advantage of STEM Electives? STEM learning has exploded to the forefront of education as the reality sets in that our nation’s workforce has a STEM gap.  There aren’t enough STEM graduates to fill the number of open positions that require a STEM degree.  In an increasingly …

Learn How To Predict The Weather With Thimble’s Climate, Science, & Technology Course

Liz About Thimble, Courses

Many of you have asked what a subscription to Thimble entails – particularly what comes after the Creator Set (our first kit). So we’ve crafted this post for those of you interested in learning more about the quest for learning engineering and programming through our hands-on kits. After you’ve completed your first kit, the Creator Set, your journey with Thimble …