children working on STEM projects in the classroom

STEM Kits for elementary: How to get kids into STEM (as a Teacher) and best STEM Kits for elementary

Rebecca Gray Education

STEM kits are all the rage. (Trust us – We’re completely unbiased experts).  But these STEM kits are not one size fits all, as many parents and teachers find out the hard way.  Sometimes those who purchase STEM kits for elementary students receive them only to find out they really should’ve been marketed to older students. As a teacher, I don’t know …

two girls have a conversation

Best STEM Internships for High School Students

Rebecca Gray Education

The word “internships” is synonymous with the college experience. Believe it or not, high school internships are a thing!  If your high school student is set on continuing their STEM education after graduation, there are valuable STEM internships for high school students that can boost their college application, future employment resume, and their confidence in the workplace. Some of these STEM internships are paid.  (So their summer job may not have them coming home …

young boy handling tools with this father in a makerspace

What STEM Teaching Tools Should You Have in Your Toolbox?

Joe Wolf Education

Like any content area, STEM presents its own challenges. STEM careers have reached the zenith of opportunity, while education still lacks in primary and secondary schools. This isn’t teachers’ faults — it’s just where we’re at. Ask schools how much they have in the bank for extra resources and, 9 times out of 10, you probably have that same amount in your wallet. …

female teacher building various electronic projects with her students

10 Tips on How to Be a Better STEM Teacher

Joe Wolf Education

Are you a STEM teacher? Looking to vamp up your game in the STEM classroom? Or maybe just thinking about some things you can do differently with pedagogy? Perfect. We have the rundown on teaching STEM and teaching it well. No matter where you’re at in your teaching career, this is the guide for you! Does Better STEM Teaching Just Mean Better Teaching? Yes …

dad, son, and daughter in front of computer building STEM projects

Remote Learning: What is It and How Effective Can It Be?

Joe Wolf Education

At this point in 2020, the term remote learning might be more ubiquitous than oxygen. When COVID-19 spread across the globe, schools faced a Shakespearean-like decision: To close, or not to close – that was the question. Luckily, the health and safety of students, teachers, and staff members prevailed in most places. Schools closed their doors on in-person learning and …

teacher creating paper chairs from scratch

How to Plan Project-Based Learning Lesson Plans

Rebecca Gray Education

Project-based learning lesson plans are one of the most labor-intensive undertakings for any educator.  It’s tough to create lesson plans that are relevant and achievable. And it’s even tougher when those lessons have to be hands-on, collaborative, and meaningful.  It’s a lot of work to create the lesson, set up a realistic timeline, and lead students to “big ideas” that they can …

parent multitasking trying to keep kids entertained and studying

Tips for Handling Teacher Burnout

Joe Wolf Education

Teacher burnout is as real as your favorite troublemaker student’s perfect attendance record. Today, burnout’s even more common. You know you’re overworked, you know grading 175 papers in two days is what we might call “long-term unmanageable.” You know the troubles that exist within your school and its larger district. And you work hard anyway because you care. So before …

teacher teaching a group of students

How to Build a STEAM Curriculum

Joe Wolf Education

Designing a STEM, STEAM, or STREAM (the latter two incorporating “Arts” and “Reading,” respectively) curriculum doesn’t have to be difficult, even though it might seem like a daunting task. With future STEM career opportunities only expected to grow, now’s the perfect time to explore how you can help your students develop STEM skills. So, ready to craft your curriculum? We’ve …

Teacher guiding students through a STEM project

STEM Classroom: Effective Design, Implementation, & Tips for Improvement

Rebecca Gray Education

An alarming percent of educators report feelings of intimidation and a lack of confidence in STEM education. Creating a STEM classroom, developing a standards-aligned curriculum, and then initiating and maintaining student engagement is overwhelming. Take into consideration an educator who doesn’t have a strong STEM background, and the task can become even less feasible. Half-hearted attempts are a disservice to our students and our …