kids making video game

So Your Child Wants to Make Video Games? – An Outlet for the Game Obsessed

Oscar Pedroso Education, Homeschooling

Don’t know the first thing about how to make a video game for kids? We got you. Let’s take a second and talk about how their desire to create a video game is a good thing.  Their obsession with video games is not necessarily ruining their lives, despite what some may tell you. It might even be steering them towards a lucrative career, and no I’m not referencing …

soldering arduino project

Arduino Projects for Kids

Oscar Pedroso STEM Projects

Simple Arduino Projects for Kids It’s not always easy to get kids excited about engineering projects – when things are too difficult, young students can get frustrated and overwhelmed and may be tempted to give up. Here at Thimble, we’ve found that the key to keeping students engaged in STEM learning is to provide projects with just the right level of …

kids with COVID masks

Here’s What You Should Know About Pandemic Pods for Kids

Oscar Pedroso Homeschooling

School’s back! Sort of. The pandemic’s left schools with no other choice: Remote learning is the name of the game. Now, parents, teachers, and children are faced with a myriad of challenges. For parents, the online learning scope is completely new terrain to stumble across. With their children home all day, parents are scrambling for child care options and private tutors so that they can still effectively work full-time jobs. Teachers …

kids doing STEM and soldering

The Importance of STEM Education

Oscar Pedroso Education

What is STEM Education and why is it important? STEM Education is a term that teachers and administrators like to throw around. A LOT.  Even our local preschool touts a monthly STEM focus with their four-year-old class.  What exactly is everyone talking about? What is STEM? STEM is an acronym.  It refers to the different subjects that are most utilized in STEM fields.  It …

electronics project

STEM Toys VS STEM Projects

Oscar Pedroso Education

So, you’ve bought the most recent STEM toy for your kids.  Whether it’s a collaborative build or a basic science kit, it’s a better option for your child as the educational component is disguised by the fun in the process.  You build it together, incorporate the educational aspects, and then it’s complete.  Now what?   Even if you could repeat the …

Girl soldering STEM kits

How Do I Get My Child Started in Engineering

Oscar Pedroso Education

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, engineering jobs are one of the fastest growing and highest paying career options! Even if your child isn’t planning for a career in engineering, being able to tinker, build, and repair is critical in our high-tech world.  In fact, Oppenheim Toy Portfolio lists STEM and tech toys as one of the hottest growing …

electronics cube

Becoming the Next Elon Musk: Robotics Projects for Kids

Oscar Pedroso Education

Who doesn’t dream of being able to create awesome robots that can obey your every command? From Tony Stark’s sleek workshop in The Avengers to the helpful household robots in The Jetsons, robotics have captured our imagination for generations. Fortunately for us living in the 21st century, robots are no longer science fiction – there are real people doing groundbreaking work in this …

kids in middle school

STEM Teacher Success Story #1: Amherst Middle School

Oscar Pedroso Education, success stories

Look at those smiles! When we first met Library Media Teacher, Drew Schmidle, at Amherst Middle School, he came to us with a unique problem. Not only was he using various hands-on projects in the classroom, but he was also using quite a bit of them and was unsure whether he was providing a guided path for his students to …

The Creator Set

Announcing Thimble Courses

Oscar Pedroso News/Updates

Thimble started with a vision that “making is for everyone.” We searched around for ways to fulfill that vision and had ideas abound, including an online portfolio, version control for hardware projects, an electronic components search engine, and all sorts of other ideas. We decided on a simple promise – “Learn & Build Electronics w/ Monthly Delivered Kits.”